Lecture 3 - Meditation Exercise "Unloading (or liberation) of Consciousness"
In this lecture, we will try to do, perhaps, the best exercise in simplicity and efficiency, that will help you to disconnect from the negative social energy grid in the lecture 4.
First, please, just listen, I'll tell you its essence and you'll be surprised how simple it is, but effective.
So this exercise is that you need to pick up a pen and have a sheet of paper next to you. After that, write down on it ALL of your current thoughts. In the most general form that's all!
You can be surprised now: and how can this help me? But in fact, the effect is colossal, especially, if you do it in a conjunction with the meditation from the next lecture.
So, in order to do this exercise, you'll need to make sure that you can be alone in your room, where no one will disturb you.
Also I HIGHLY recommend that you disconnect the phone, the Internet - any possible devices from the outside world that can disturb you. If you have relatives near you then make sure that they will understand your actions. For example, you can tell them that for 1 or 2 hours you will not say a word to anyone. That is, no matter what happens, whoever will call or ask - you will remain silent.
I very much ask you to take these two meditation exercises with all seriousness, this can change your life for the better.
So, let's begin. Take a pen in your hand and start writing on a sheet of paper (preferably using old-fashioned tools) absolutely all your thoughts as they are. It is very important not to be ashamed about anything. Do not be ashamed of your thoughts, because that's the only way you can clear your mind. Write out everything that will come to your mind.
Even if it's the thoughts "Why am I writing it out?" "How much more do I need to do this?" "I have no thoughts, ok, I have no thoughts, what should I do next?" - all these thoughts you will have to write out anyway! Also, if you suddenly want to fantasize about the topic of love, intimacy, sex - still write down your thoughts like they are. If you suddenly have aggressive thoughts towards someone, write it out anyway. Write out everything until you lean back on the bed, in a blissful state of complete tranquility of the mind. Believe me, it will be a great feeling, and it will be only the first step on your way to yourself.
Also, if you practice this exercise regularly, it will be much easier for you to perform any meditation. Because you will not be disturbed by uncontroled thoughts now. Now you will be in control of your mind.
Now I will tell you about several important points:
Based on my experience of explaining to others about this exercise, I found a few things that can interfere with the successful implementation.
I met with people who couldn't write out a single thought, because they had too many thoughts, and the speed of writing didn't keep up with the chaos of thoughts. If all of a sudden, you have the same or a similar problem, then I recommend doing this: write out only the thought that came first to you in the stream of many thoughts. While you will be writing this thought, don't worry about remembering others. Once recorded, go to any of the following thoughts, trying not to be distracted by others while you write this specific thought out. And repeat this procedure until you have the strength to do it.
I understand that this may not be easy, but the results of this will cost all efforts to achieve them.
Also you can develop your thoughts on a specific topic. For example, you have written out an intimacy with a girl or a guy - and continue to write it out in all directions, until you feel that this topic is fully expressed. Perhaps you want to write something right, but you do not know what it is. Your fears, your desires. There is no obvious. Just try to write it out, without being embarrassed and quite possibly, you will find that you have expressed the very thing. But you will understand this only after you write out it.
When you finish this exercise, let the time just go without thinking about it. Imagine that you have a vacation or a vacation for 10 years, and there is no work or study. You can lie here like this as long as you like and no one will tell you anything. Imagine that you are in your house in nature on a beautiful and kind planet, and just rest there.
If suddenly you notice that you do not allow yourself, then look for reasons. It can be connections from other people or your personal beliefs. For example: "I can not relax, because I will have to work in couple of days." And the like. That is exactly the beliefs that are the result of the connection to the social network. And we will discuss in the next lecture the disconnection from the negative grid.
I'll ask you before doing the next lecture, to perform the "unloading of consciousness". It will help a lot.
P.S. I'm glad to remind you that you can look through my course in video format, which you can read about here.
Welcome to the next lecture!
First, please, just listen, I'll tell you its essence and you'll be surprised how simple it is, but effective.

P.S. I'm glad to remind you that you can look through my course in video format, which you can read about here.
Welcome to the next lecture!

I taught by Buddhists I let them go. I know they are not mine and are not created by me. It can certainly be a great exercise for those who have never meditated. There is actually a meditation you can do, just lying there, noting and and watching them, not for me. Perhaps all humanity should be given this exercise, especially if they are prone to thinking ill of people at lot of the time, or themselves. Or imagine they are broadcast out. I have more negs than when not meditating, I never know what to do about those ones, they slipping then as they know I am not observing the content.
ОтветитьУдалитьI decided to do it, that was arrogant, I do what the instructor says. It pretty much as is my mind. I thought writing about something very important, a specific, a good idea. will try later. Thanks.