Hello and welcome, my dear guests! I want to help you improve your life! And for this purpose let me ask you a few questions.
Perhaps, you don't get sufficient results from meditation?
Or you do get a positive effect, but it's short-lived?
Perhaps you can't concentrate on meditation because of the uncontrolled flow of thoughts?
Perhaps you can't feel your soul as much as you would like?
Or you do not quite understand your goals and desires?
It doesn't seem like you have the full control of your life?
Are you tired of waiting when your life will change for the better?
Or you don't know what to do and often find yourself at a loose end?
Or maybe you earn money, but don't like your job?
Perhaps you do not want to earn money because you don't like the energy that you get from the work you do? Or you don't like the energy of people that you have to communicate with at work?
If you answer "Yes" to at least one question, then my course is for you! 
You will get clear advice on how to change your life for the better in a comprehensive way in many aspects!
So, for example, we will start by disconnecting you from all the bad things that prevent you from meditating and understanding your thoughts and desires.
Then you will learn to communicate with yourself, understand your thoughts. There will be specific tips, step-by-step instructions and exercises. And you will know your own goals from yourself.
After that, we will look at such financial activities in which you don't have to deal with negative people. And, by doing them, you will be happy in the material world.
You will also learn the principle which can help you create unique creative art works, which no one else can do!
And you will get step-by-step instructions for each activity!
Thus, you will have a complete system to change your life for the better!
And you will get all of this for free!
Therefore, I kindly invite you to a journey to yourself. I invite you to my course

ОтветитьУдалить✨ Attention to all starseeds!✨
Hello my dear starseeds and lightworkers!
My name is Anton and I want to help our community to become more happy and effective. I want to help starseeds improve their lifes.
Because I see that many of you are tired of waiting for the Event to happen and don't know what to do.
And many of you don't like to earn money because you don't like the energy that you get from the work you do. And also you may not like the energy of people that you have to communicate with at work.
And I also see that some of you don't get proper results from meditations. And overall many of starseeds don't feel that they are living their life.
Seeing this I decided to create a free course in which I give step by step instructions for you in order that you could easily change your life for the better in a comprehensive way in many aspects!
And you can speed up the event by being proactive and happy.
✨Speaking about this Cobra's post. It is very important not to be ashamed about anything. Do not be ashamed of your thoughts, because that's the only way one can clear his mind! And In my free course you will receive specific advice on how to understand your thoughts and desires.
As Cobra once stated:
"The second main factor holding back the Event is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which has chosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority of people is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereas the vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people are asking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each of you has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry it out. All our missions combined will create the Event."
And you can with the help of my course discover your mission and carry it out to the surface of the Planet Earth!
My course will help you to provide yourself on physical level, provide your male and female qualities in concrete physical actions, which is very important in current situation when Mjolnir is going to hit the ground!
So, what exactly you will get:
1) Step by step instructions how to control and manage your thoughts
2) Step by step instructions how to know your true goals from yourself
3) Step by step instructions how to disconnect from all the bad things that prevent you from meditating and understanding your thoughts and desires
4) Step by step instructions how to choose a harmonious financial activity and be happy in the material world!
5) And also you will learn the principle to create unique creative art works
6) And also many other useful things.
And you will get all of this for free!
Therefore, I kindly invite you to a journey to yourself. I invite you to my course
"Meditation with Action!"
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ http://starseedsknowhow.blogspot.com/meditation-with-action
And I also invite you to visit a post in a nice facebook group where you can discuss this course and connect with good people
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ The Resistance movement
P.S. Recently I did a written versions of all the exercises and posted them on my blog:
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Read The Course!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ If you like this course feel free to repost and share it with all the good people you know!
ОтветитьУдалить✨ Dear Cobra readers!✨
I have recently read a book that Cobra recommended (have read all 3 books). But this book turned out to be somekind of negative, it had a very depressing atmosphere, and I expected something positive.
And so I remembered that I read a book by the Russian writer Sergei Sadov - "Alvander's Crystall." It describes a future earth civilization that lives almost like a pleiadian one!
The atmosphere is very kind and positive! There is no detective storyline in the book, no murders and no wars, no criminals! It simply describes the daily life of people in a good future. And it is very interesting. I recommend this book to everyone!
✨ Here is the annotation:
"For five thousand years earthlings were locked up by the Highly Developed Cosmic Civilizations in the Barrier in their Solar System. And human civilization, lacking access to the great cosmos, had to develop in the direction of improving one's own mind and body."
Trying to find "brothers by reason," people created new races and animals that had previously been encountered only in fairy tales.
They have mastered the psi-technology, allowing them to communicate telepatically, control your own body and other objects through thought.
Great megalopolises - the ugly product of the 20th century - have disappeared from the face of the planet.
And the memory of the lost stars revives the dream of overcoming the Barrier to find the way to the Universe.
Alvander, a young master of a relatively new science, from the early childhood fell ill with a "star" disease and since then he devotes all his energy and talent to solving the problem. His ideas invariably entice everyone who has met them.
But will the Barrier fall, and WHO will meet people behind it? "
✨✨ Highly recommend! Positive impressions and the knowledge about the life of good civilizations in space is guaranteed to you!
P.S. The book is only in Russian, alas :( (but Google translates more or less, I highly recommend you to read this book anyway.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Here are the links (2 parts):
Read The Wonderfull Book! (the 1st part)
Read The Wonderfull Book! (the 2nd part)